
A robust RESTful API using FastAPI, integrated SQL, tested with pytest, CI/CD pipeline.

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Postflow is a RESTful API created using FastAPI, featuring seamless integration with PostgreSQL for efficient data storage and SQLAlchemy for precise ORM handling. To ensure top-notch security, Postflow incorporates user authentication and JWT token management. Rigorous testing using Pytest guarantees code quality, while PostgreSQL database management, including schema design and SQL query optimization, underpins data operations. Deployed on Heroku, with Docker employed for containerization, and Dockerhub for image management. Git and GitHub support version control and streamline CI/CD pipeline setup, and Pytest ensures testing, including fixtures and parametrization, with the TestClient for thorough API testing.



  • Data serialization and deserialization, enhancing data transfer efficiency between the client and server
  • Schema validation to ensure data integrity and security, enhancing the overall reliability of the API
  • Testing using pytest, ensuring stability and functionality of the API, and maintaining code quality through unit and integration testing
  • CI/CD pipeline using GitHub Actions, streamlining the development process, automating code deployment, and ensuring consistent integration of new features